Take South Airport
Rd. west to Silver Lake Rd. and turn left. Take Silver Lake to Zimmerman Rd. and turn right. Take Zimmerman to North Long
Lake Rd. and turn left. Take North Long Lake approximately 5 - 7 miles. North Long Lake will turn to the right (You'll see
a sign pointing to Lake Ann, if you miss this turn you will be on West Long Lake). Continue on North Long Lake to where it
takes a pretty sharp curve to the left, in that curve is Richardson Rd. which turns into a gravel road and only goes to the
right. Take Richardson to Avery Trail which forks to the right. The address for the house is on a 4 x 4 cedar post at the
end of the driveway and also on the house itself. * Please be sure you have the correct house. If you have any questions
please call me (231)632-0833. Click here for a link to Mapquest: http://www.mapquest.com